Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cowans Gap

Last weekend we spent the first 3 hours of essential tanning hours at Cowans Gap in PA. It was a beautiful, sunny day on the fine, imported sand. We were laying out, eating, drinking, people watching. It was a great little beach up in the mountains and the water was crystal clear. The sand was awesome. It felt so good to mold your own spot in the sand to lay out on. Then the park ranger came out over the intercom and told everyone to exit the beach immediately because severe thunderstorms were on their way. I thought he was being a drama queen but in exactly 2 minutes, dark clouds appeared and we got our butts off the beach! 

Fortunately for us, Corey's dad lives close to the park so by the time we got over there the rain had stopped and we could soak up some more rays in his pool. I'm pretty sure that my genetics are predisposed to be at a beach of some kind as much as possible. 

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That lake is gorgeous! I totally get you on the genetic predisposal to sun addiction. Definitely.