Saturday, February 11, 2012

Normal Life Post

So I know I'm in Germany and am supposed to do nothing but travel to enchanted countries every weekend, but let me justify this boring, lackluster post. It has not reached 30 degrees Fahrenheit in over 3 weeks. It's in the neighborhood of 3.2 degrees every morning and approximately 9 degrees at night. The high reaching 29 around 2 o'clock everyday.
I can't and I won't leave my house in these conditions. I don't know if I've ever been this cold. My mom said I've been in colder weather, but personally I think she's lying.
I've read travel books recommending a winter European vacation if you want to beat the crowds and now I can never trust another book again. They claim that Europe has mild winters and boast of the ease in which you will get around. Mild compared to Russia and yes, easier because only the idiots who were tricked by these books (I being one) are out traveling in this weather.
What I am trying to say is that I have done nothing exciting in January and I'm sorry for wasting my time in Europe. I have been taking 2 classes, playing racquetball, indoor wall climbing, feeding my newly found online addictions, pornterest and instagram (I'm not as addicted to that one) and sleeping on the couch because Corey is in Poland right now.
I wish I could hibernate during winter. I really love sleeping and I really hate winter so I would love to capitalize on those two some year. One thing I am proud of is sticking to my vows of getting a house with a garage. Our lovely home has a garage and my sweet little car (who also hates the cold) is happily parked inside. It's European size so I have to climb out the car window but it's worth it. Haha. Not that bad but it's pretty effing small.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This post just smeared my mascara. It was funny in my head, even funnier when I read it out loud to Devin. Just stuff yourself with Milkas and you won't feel like you're wasting your time.