So today I dragged myself out of bed at 8 (doesn't sound too lazy but I get up at 3:30 am every normal day so I am sleeping in about 4 1/2 hours. Converted to a normal person's schedule, that's like getting up at noon) and was looking at facebook and blogs and decided to look at stranger's blogs until I found a connection. I think I started at Stefanie Farnsworth's blog and looked at someone on her list, secretly judged that person for being cooler than me, then clicked on one of their friends until about an hour later when I clicked on a blog by someone from Oregon that my cousin Josh had left a comment on.
I know you're amazed at my dedication and determination. I've accomplished a lot today and I know you can do the same. Use me as your mental motivation this New Years as you're trying to achieve your resolutions. We all have days where it doesn't seem possible to achieve those goals but when the going gets tough, remember me, sitting on my couch in my pajama bottoms that have lasted 14 years (on a gross side note, these pajamas were made out of my older brothers bed sheets. Thanks mom), my furry boots that keep me warm 'cause the thermostat isn't within arm's reach and all the obstacles I overcame to find the one connection I so desired. Well, 1 New Year's Resolution down! My next resolution will be to turn 29! I am not into goals I can't achieve.

What can I say? Corey is a lucky man. You're lucky I didn't show off the granny panties!!!